Wymiana studencka na semestr zimowy i cały rok akademicki 2024/2025

zmień rekrutację anuluj wybór

Oferta prezentowana na tej stronie ograniczona jest do wybranej rekrutacji. Jeśli chcesz zobaczyć resztę oferty, wybierz inną rekrutację.


Jednostka organizacyjna Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
Forma studiów stacjonarne
Poziom kształcenia studia pierwszego stopnia
Profil studiów profil ogólnoakademicki
Języki wykładowe angielski
  Zadaj pytanie
Obecnie nie trwają zapisy w wybranej rekrutacji.

Minione tury w tej rekrutacji:
  • Tura 1 (17.09.2024 10:00 – 17.10.2024 23:59)

Trwające tury w innych rekrutacjach:
  • Wymiana studencka na Rok Akademicki 2024/2025 - semestr letni
    Tura 1 (15.10.2024 13:00 – 17.11.2024 23:59)


THE POZNAŃ UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS is one of the oldest, most prestigious schools of economics in Poland. Since 1926, we have been continually developing higher education and ensuring high quality of scientific studies and constant development of research infrastructure. We prepare numerous economic expert reports and implement innovative projects. High-quality education, which we have provided for years, allows our students and graduates to successfully face the challenges of a dynamic labour market.

The innovation of our research and educational methods has been confirmed by numerous rankings and accomplishments of our students and employees. We combine our care for the highest quality of education with the development of cooperation with other countries and broadly defined business practice. 



  • Deadlines for nominations: 31 May – autumn semester / 31 October – spring semester
  • Deadlines for application: 15 June – autumn semester / 15 November – spring semester


In the top right corner, there is option CREATE AN ACCOUNT
After you click it, a PERSONAL INFORMATION NOTICE will pop up. Accepting the clause will allow you to create an account.

The activation link for your account will be sent to the e-mail address that you provide. One e-mail address can be used to register only one candidate.

After the account is created, you need to log in to the ORP and choose PERSONAL FORMS tab. 

Please notice that after you create an account you need to choose one of two options:

·         S1-ERASMUS – this means that you are in the first cycle of your studies (Bachelor’s degree)

·         S2-ERASMUS - this means that you are in the second cycle of your studies (Master’s degree)



In order to register for a course you need to fill out all the required fields - marked with asterisk symbol (*) - in the following forms: BASIC PERSONAL DATAADDRESS AND CONTACT INFORMATION, PHOTO,  EDUCATION (You do not need to upload any documents here, just basic information on your high school education) and ADDITIONAL PERSONAL INFORMATION.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION – The „International Candidate” part of the personal form does not concern you so please choose "I do not meet any of the conditions mentioned above"



Registration for the selected field of study is possible from the OFFER or REGISTRATION tabs at the top of the page. Also, there is a button SIGN UP in the description of each programme, after clicking which you should follow the instructions, i.e.select or confirm the document entitling you to study. The programme you should sign up for is Student exchange for Academic Year 2023/2024. After selecting the programme please accept the clause and choose which terms of study you want to apply for.


After you choose which terms of study you want to apply for, you need to fill out all the required fields in Additional questions for exchange students. Required fields are marked with asterisk symbol (*).



The last question in Additional questions for exchange students is whether you are willing to participate in Intensive English Course.

Please find the attached link to learn more about the Intensive English Course: Link to the IEC



After successfully completing Additional questions for exchange students, you should receive the following notification: 

 "You have successfully created a recruitment application. Go to the page My account → Enrollment applications to view the list of additional forms and/or documents that need to be printed and submitted."



The next step is selecting the courses you wish to attend. Please note, that you minimum number of ECTS points per semester is 20 and maximum of 40 (80 ECTS credits per academic year). You will see a list ofsubjects taught in English. Please pay attention for WHICH SEMESTER COURSE IS OFFERED. You can take only subjects for your period of stay.



After choosing the correct courses please go to Documents and further steps. There, you can see 'Documents to download' Please download the Application Form. The downloaded document needs to be signed by you as well as the Coordinator from your home university.

In the section Required documents you can find Documents required by the candidate. Please click the button Fill out and upload the required documents:

Transcript of Records - list of courses with ECTS points from ALL YEARS OF STUDY completed before application (English version prepared by a home university or English translation confirmed by a sworn translator). Please remember that Master's students are required to upload transcripts from their Bachelor's studies, even if completed at a different university. Transcripts in different language versions than English will be AUTOMATICALLY REJECTED.

 As well as signed Application From. Remember to press 'Save' after uploading the documents. 



If you receive the Erasmus+ scholarship and you are from one of the EU countries or Turkey, you should complete Online Learning Agreement. If you are not an Erasmus+ student, please complete the form sent to you via e-mial. Go to "my account" -> "Enrollment applications" -> "Learning Agreement" and upload the signed document there. 



 The next stages of the recruitment process, i.e. checking the status of the qualification process, comments and messeges, are available from MY ACCOUNT menu , the ENROLLMENT APPLICATIONS tab.

You have time to fulfil the application form and upload the documents untill 15TH OF JUNE.

The decision of admission will be made within 4 weeks after the application deadline.



Mrs Marta Pikies-Komorowska

Incoming Coordinator


International Relations Office

 Poznań University of Economics and Business