Full-time first-cycle studies in English

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Bachelor in Business Administration

Code S1-BBA
Organizational unit Poznan University of Economics and Business
Field of studies Bachelor in Business Administration
Form of studies full-time
Level of education first-cycle programme
Educational profile general academic
Language(s) of instruction English
Admission limit 60
Duration 6 semesters
Required document
  • Required documents for English-taught bachelor's degree studies
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There is currently no active phase.

Past phases in this registration:
  • Phase 1 (05.04.2024 00:00 – 18.07.2024 23:59)

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) Program offered at the Poznań University of Economics and Business (PUEB) provides students with unparalleled knowledge and competence in making economic and business decisions in globalized world and managing different organizations across national boundaries and diverse cultures.

Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA students complete a comprehensive and competitive program led by the PUEB faculty. The program's mission is to develop and disseminate leading-edge knowledge concerning the theory and practice of economics and business in the globalized world. A multitude of political, social and cultural forces drive economic and business decisions in the world. To understand these forces, students need to learn about and to understand the many challenges faced by today’s companies, individuals and economies. These include resource scarcity, economic growth, financial crises, climate change, or inequalities. The program BBA views the classical studies in business administration within a global context and combines them with political science, international relations, sociology, management.

The BBA program equips students with world-class knowledge and strong analytical skills required in professional environment.

 Recruitment for full-time first-cycle studies conducted in English



Basic information:

  • field of study: international economy
  • field of study name: Bachelor in Business Administration
  • field of study: full-time first-cycle studies of an all-academic profile
  • leading discipline: economics and finance
  • studies conducted in English

Detailed information on the course and programme of study




Full-time first-cycle studies in Bachelor in Business Administration last six semesters (3 years).

Admission to full-time first-cycle studies is by major. The choice of the field of study made during recruitment is binding. 


Qualification is conducted on the basis of results obtained in two qualifying subjects:

  • geography, physics, history, or computer science (Computer Science or Information Technology in a Global Society - for International Baccalaureate and European Baccalaureate), and, for candidates who did not complete secondary school in Poland, economic subjects (e.g. finance, accounting, economics, entrepreneurship and management) of the candidate's choice, and
  • mathematics.

If a candidate does not have any of the subjects referred to on his/her secondary school-leaving certificate/ IB/EB diploma, CT, EGE, ZNO examination certificate, he/she may be qualified on the basis of the submitted secondary school-leaving certificate if the number of places in the field of study for which he/she is applying is not exhausted.

The University reserves the right not to open a particular course of study if the number of candidates for that course is less than 20.

Candidates for this field of study are offered admission to another field of study conducted in English, and if there is no interest, the recruitment fee (recruitment fee) is refunded.




  • In the first stage of recruitment, candidates apply online. Personal data and recruitment data are entered on the form.  The online application is a compulsory part of the recruitment process. In the first stage of recruitment, candidates also pay a recruitment fee.

After the closing date for applications, the Recruitment Committees announce ranking lists and point limits designating groups of candidates qualified to submit documents.

  • In the second stage of recruitment, candidates submit the required documents. If the documentation submitted by a candidate is complete, that candidate is admitted to the degree programme.



To apply, attach in the enrolment application:

  • secondary school graduation certificate,
  • results of university entrance examinations/graduation examinations (if applicable),
  • a list of subjects and grades obtained in secondary school, or at least from the final class,
  • a statement of eligibility, in case of documents that do not have an annotation stating that they give access to higher education in the country of issue,
  • identity document (passport),
  • a self-introduction video recording
  • a certificate of language proficiency or request to participate in a language tests organised by the university.


The following documents are required of candidates eligible for admission to a first-cycle programme in English:

  1. application form (according to the established form),
  2. the original or a copy of the secondary school-leaving certificate or the secondary school-leaving certificate and the certificate of
    of the school-leaving examination results or the original diploma/certificate of completion of secondary education abroad
    secondary school diploma/certificate of completion of secondary education abroad with apostille or legalised, to be presented during the
    the admission procedure; on the basis of these documents the university will make a certified copy, and the original or a copy will be returned,
  3. CT, CE, EGE, NMT, ZNO examination certificate (applies to candidates who have passed such an examination and wish to have their ranking points determined based on it),
  4. a personal questionnaire with the candidate's photo (according to the established form),
  5. a document confirming a change of surname (applies to persons whose surname is different from their current surname),
  6. translation of the diploma into Polish or English by a sworn translator (applies to candidates who have a diploma issued in a language other than Polish or English),
  7. proof of payment of the recruitment fee (recruitment fee),
  8. a document confirming knowledge of English at the required level:
    • IELTS certificate obtained not earlier than in 2022 with an overall score of at least 6.0; or
    • TOEFL ibt certificate obtained not earlier than in 2022 with a minimum score of 70 points; or
    • TOEIC certificate obtained not earlier than in 2022 with a minimum score of 700 points; or
    • Duolingo English Test certificate obtained no earlier than 2023 with a minimum score of 100; or
    • an IB diploma; or
    • a minimum score of 75% in the English Matura examination at advanced level, or at bilingual level at a minimum level of 60%; or
    • other certificate accepted by the International Relations Office upon verification. 
    Candidates who are exempt from presenting the certificate are native speakers of English.
    Foreigners who do not possess any of the above documents are required to obtain an official confirmation from their University stating that their level of proficiency in English allows them to study in that language.
  9. a photocopy of health insurance policy or European Health Insurance Card for a given academic year or a confirmation of enrolment in the national health insurance within the meaning of the Act of 27 August 2004 on health care services financed from public funds (i.e. Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1285, as amended) or a confirmation that an insurer covers the costs of medical treatment in the territory of the Republic of Poland,
  10. certificate of Polish origin (applies to foreigners who indicated in the electronic application that they are of Polish origin),
  11. a confirmed photocopy of a document entitling to free education in English - submitted by foreigners referred to in Article 324, para. 1 of the Law on Higher Education and Science.

Candidates who have completed secondary education abroad.

Certificates obtained abroad are subject to legalisation/apostille together with a translation into Polish or English by a sworn translator by the embassy or other responsible institution in the country in which the certificate was obtained, as well as to recognition by the Board of Education in Poland (obtained within the first semester).

If the document lacks a clause stating that the document entitles the student to pursue any higher education in the country of issue, an eligibility statement is required.

Eligibility statement - a document with confirmation that the student is officially entitled to enter university education in the country under which educational system it was issued. The document is usually issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or candidate's higher secondary school.




  • Recruitment stages
    till 18 July Submitting enrolment application

    create candidate's profile and submit enrolment application;

    make sure all inserted details are correct

      Registration fee payment

    send payment confirmation in the message;

    payment title: CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME

    till 22 July Application verification status if necessary, complete your application with missing documents and notify the admission team via message;
    on 25 July Recruitment Committee announcement

    announcement of ranking list;

    all eligible candidate meeting the ranking points thresholds will be able to download the admission offer letter

    till 8 August Document submission

    all electronic applications must include a complete set of documents necessary for acceptance;

    if possible, deliver the documents to the International Relations Office in room 120 at al. Niepodległości 10;

      Lowering admission thresholds

    a lowering of the threshold will be announced, in case of resignation of qualified candidates;

    candidates with lower point score will receive an offer of admission;

      Tuition payment confirmation deadline

    for candidates who need to confirm the tuition fee to apply for a visa;

    send tuition payment confirmation via message;

    payment title: CANDIDATE'S FULL NAME

    on 13 August Admission Decision announcement all accepted candidates will be able to download the admission decision
    announced later Dormitory registration

    more details later;

    we recommend looking for private accommodation as places are limited

      Mentor Buddy registration  
    till 30 August Student visa confirmations all candidates applying for visa must confirm their embassy appointment date 
    till 15 September Arrival confirmations

    confirm your arrival date and send your scanned visa in a message;

    Note, that arrival after 13 October is not permitted. 

    on 16 September Winter Semester Timetable announcement of semester timetables
    on 27 September ORIENTATION DAY

    mandatory attendance;

    you will learn the most important information about studies,
    you can submit a set of documents and signatures,
    meet fellow classmates,
    join a campus tour,
    collect your student ID and
    sign up for International Orientation Week events!

    on 1 October Start of classes beginning of classes in the winter semester
    till 10 October

    Tuition fee deadline

    all candidates need to pay their tuition fees to their USOS account or have the tuition confirmed if paid earlier;

    Resignation submittion deadline

    All students who for some reason cannot join the studies by October 13 must submit a written resignation from studies;

    The resignation must be accompanied by a request for tuition refund and a visa rejection letter.




Electronic enrolment for full-time first degree programmes taught in English will begin from 5 April

Deadlines for electronic applications:

- for all candidates by 18 July.

Deadline for payment of the recruitment fee (date of receipt into the designated bank account of PUEB)

         - for all candidates by 18 July.

Announcement of ranking lists:

- for all candidates by 25 July.

Deadline for receipt of documents from candidates eligible for admission if ranking points are reduced - 8 August.



- 13 August (late afternoon).



Admission to the recruitment procedure for a particular course of study is contingent on the candidate paying the application fee for the course of study. Applications for individual fields of study are considered separately, therefore candidates who wish to apply for admission to more than one field of study should pay a separate recruitment fee for each of their applications. Applications without an enrolment fee will not be considered.

The recruitment fee for one application is 85 PLN.

PLEASE NOTE: The University does not refund the enrolment fee after enrolment application has been processed.

Tuition fees for first-cycle studies (years I - III) in English are 6570 PLN per semester, 13 140 PLN per year. 




International Relations Office

Poznań University of Economics and Business

Al. Niepodległości 10, office 120

61-875 Poznań


Tel. +48 61 856 93 05

E-mail: bachelor@ue.poznan.pl




The conditions and procedure for recruitment to the first year of full-time first degree studies at the Poznań University of Economics in the academic year 2024/2025 are set out in Resolution No. 42 (2022/2023) of 30 June 2023.

Study rules and regulations


Refund policy