Doctoral Seminars in English

In power from: 18 Jul 2023

Registration criteria

Doctoral Seminars in English 





The admission to this part-time programme is open to graduates of public and non-public higher edication institutions who hold a master's degree diploma that gives the right to continue education to the third cycle studies in the country where the diploma was issued. 


Candidates for the Doctoral Seminars in English need to submit the following documents:

- Master's degree diploma 

- Master's degree academic transcript, including information on the final dissertation

- Research proposal (template)

- English language certificate confirming the knowledge of English language at minimum B2 CEFR level

- CV

- list of publications (if available)


Recruitment stages:

Candidates who pass the documents verification stage will be invited for an official oline interview with the DSE Admissions Commitee. 



 Electronic enrolment for Doctoral Seminars in English will begin from 5 April 2024

Deadline for electronic applications - by 10 August 2024

Deadline for payment of the registration fee (date of receipt into the designated bank account of PUEB) - by 10 August 2024

Deadline for payment of the 1st semester tuition fee (date of receipt into the designated bank account of PUEB) - by 31 August 2024



Application Fee: 200 EUR

DSE Fee: 11400 EUR (paid in 3 instalments, 3800 EUR each year)

The defence costs are not included in the tuition fee. 


Account details:

Account Name: Poznan University of Economics and Business
Address: al. Niepodleglosci 1061-875 Poznan, Poland

Name of the bank: Santander

Branch name: 4 O. w Poznaniu

Bank address: ul. Powstancow Wielkopolskich 16, 61-895 Poznan

Bank Account: 37 1090 1359 0000 0001 1944 0943
IBAN: PL 37 1090 1359 0000 0001 1944 0943